Wednesday, December 11, 2019


Implementations attempt to implement a particular specification version. For Apache implementations, see the XML mailing lists page for subscription information. The following are implementations that support just the parsing component of JAXP in alphabetical order:. To use this mechanism, place the implementation jar file on your classpath. See the JAXP 1. However, this may not be done until after JDK 1. This is available via JAXP. jaxp-ri

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Thus, if you place a newer version of xalan. One way to replace the classes in the JDK with the classes contained in a set of jar files is to place the jar files in some directory, " my-endorsed ", and define a system property. This next example instantiates a SAX 2.

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The motivation for this decision was to match the Apache packaging scheme at the time of release, as well as to simplify life for developers. See this question for more information. Use the JAXP 1. The following implementations support the transform component of JAXP and also bundle a parser in alphabetical order:.

For example, to use Xerces 1.

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Nwhere N is a number. See the JAXP 1.


As of JuneApache has three Java parsers: Note the difference between specification and implementation versions here. This is available via JAXP. JAXP can be divided into two main parts: Also, the first RI version has the same number as the specification version, namely 1.

Unofficial JAXP FAQ

The future plan is to rename the org. Specification versions are limited to the form N.


One place to ask questions about JAXP is with the provider of your implementation. See these slides PDF for more information. See the link above for the precise rules.


The reasons are to support the J2SE 1. For Apache implementations, see the XML mailing lists page for subscription information. Because of this, these implementations typically bundle an XML parser as part of their distribution. There are now a total of six jar files. Xerces 2 is a new third parser which is a rewrite. To approximate an unbundled version, you can also download the major jaxp-ru individually from Apache.

What is the difference between the specification version and the implementation version? Xerces 2 was designed to fill the long-term needs of Apache projects going forward. However, a particular implementation may have bugs in it so that it deviates from the specification. You may need to create the endorsed directory if it does not yet exist. See the Apache site for details.

For example, to use a newer version of Xalan, place the newer version of xalan. As a workaround, see the question on overriding the implementation in JDK 1.

For questions about JAXP itself, please refer to the question on support below. The parsing component often is distributed separately.

If you are using DTDs, the only standard way of controlling jaxp-ei DTD that is used to validate a document is to insert or replace the document type declaration within the XML document itself. Although Sun no longer provides a free source distribution there might be a way to pay for oneyou can obtain the same source code from the Apache CVS repositories.

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